Note— The landlord must complete Part A of this form in duplicate and give both copies to the tenant to sign. The tenant should then complete Part B and return 1 copy to the landlord.
1. I give you notice under section 4 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995 that the residential tenancy agreement you have entered into is a short fixed term tenancy of days
Note— A short fixed term tenancy is a tenancy for a term of 90 days or less.
2. You are warned that the term of your tenancy will come to an end at the completion of this period and that you should not expect to continue in possession of the premises after that time.
3. Details of relevant residential tenancy agreement—
Note— The landlord should have completed Part A of this form and given you 2 copies. You should complete Part B and return 1 copy to the landlord.
understand that I/we have entered a short fixed term tenancy of 90 days or less
2. I/we acknowledge receipt of a notice (Part A of Form 1) from the landlord about this tenancy.
3. In accordance with section 4 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995, I/we acknowledge that I/we do not expect to continue possession of the premises at
after the end of the term stated in the agreement.