The Term from the date hereof to the conclusion of one (1) month after the next Annual General Meeting. The Duties asdescribed in clauses 2.1 to 2.5
(All Amounts include GST where applicable)
Management fee of (below) annum payable monthly in advance
Our Offices - Commence before 5:35pm (below) for 1st 1.5 hours
Our Offices - Commence after 5:35pm (below) for 1st 1.5 hours
Other venue - (below) for 1st 1.5 hours
Overtime for all meetings - (below) per hour or part there of after 1.5 hours
Overdue account notices (below) recovered from the respective owner
Tax Return Preparation (below) Annual Audit Fee (below) per unit
The Duties as described in clauses 3.1 to 3.5.
(Only by agreement with the Corporation or its Management Committee)
Fees Charged (below) per hour for any additional duties performed by the manager
Charged as incurred for photocopying, property photographs, faxes, postage, bank charges, government charges and sundries
The Corporations funds are held in the (below) Trust Account at Bank (below)
The manager declares that they may obtain a commission that does not exceed 20% for placing insurance.
The Manager will on request make the Corporation's records available for a requesting unit/lot holder to inspect within 10 business days of the request and provide the unit holder with a copy of any of the records on payment of a fee. The regulations state that the applicant may be charged a maximum of (below) per page. The Manager will only charge at cost and will provide all documents as images on compact disc or flash drive for a fee of (below) if so requested. Requests can be made to the Manager's office in business hours or by email.